Just Everything You Need for This Dispensation


Highlights Of this Edition

  • Understand the necessity for aggressive and wide-spread Gospel impact in every nation
  • Gain insight on the rubrics of organizing city-wide crusades and how they foster the work of the ministry in nations.
  • Understand how well-defined and keenly planned crusades can yield tremendous Church growth and increase.
  • Attain true knowledge of grassroots preparations and planning for city-wide crusades
  • Learn post-program consolidation for planning city-wide crusades and outreaches
  • Gain access to valuable resources on organizing impactful crusade

Get answers to your questions on:
Strategic Church Growth Through the Children’s Church Ministry

Benefits Of ISM Masterclass

The ISM Masterclasses are a special and vital part of our online learning and resource centre for ministers of the Gospel outside Christ Embassy. It has also been designed to provide practical and instructional training for all levels of ministers of the Gospel.

Our FAQs

Where can I participate in the ISM Masterclass on the day of the live broadcast?

Once you have registered for the ISM Masterclass, and also purchased one of the paid ISM Subscriptions, you will have access to the live broadcast from within the ISM Resource Centre and the ISM Online School on the day of the live broadcast.

You can purchase either the Starter-Lite, Starter or Classic Plan to gain access to the ISM Masterclass. Visit school.christembassy-ism.com/subscription today to purchase your preferred subscription plan.

Yes. The ISM Masterclass will be translated into 10 languages for the live broadcast.

Yes. Shortly after the live broadcast, a rebroadcast will be available to subscribers. You can find past editions of the ISM Masterclass in the ISM Resource Centre.

From The ISM Blog

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Time is the currency of the earth, meaning it’s what you are given to spend while you’re in this world. It is valuable...

14 Oct


Make up your mind to be excellent in character, in knowledge, in speech, in giving, and in ministry...

08 Aug


Now, the word “Thanksgiving” means “the act of giving thanks for something that you are grateful for.” It is the “grateful...