Choose A Package

Free Plan

Monthly Basis


  • Monthly ISM Newsletters
  • Ministers’ Daily Affirmations
  • ISM Blogs
  • Access to the ISM Online School Open Courses
  • Receive Notifications

Starter-Lite Plan

Monthly Basis (For Youth Ministers)


15.00 60% off
  • All Free Plan
  • ISM Master Class
  • Access to 5 Youth Ministers ISM training Video Level 1

Starter Plan

Monthly Basis


50.00 60% off
  • All Free Plan
  • ISM Master class
  • Access to 5 Special ISM training program videos level 1
  • Pastoral Training assessments

Classic-Lite Plan

Available for two months (26th August - 26th October 2024)


  • All Starter Plan
  • 4 Level Courses
  • Prayer Studies
  • Ministry of the word
  • Ministry of the holy spirit
  • Strategic Leadership


Classic Plan

Monthly Basis


100.00 60% off
  • All Starter Plan
  • Access to 10 Special ISM training program videos level 2
  • Access to GMC videos
  • Access to ISM Digital Library